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We have several Broker Dealer clients who are looking for quality deals to fund in the $10,000,000 minimum to $100,000,000+ maximum range. Can be an existing public or private company.

Do you have a quality deal? Our network of Broker Dealers covers all sectors of business so any quality deal will be considered.

This funding is best used for expansion capital candidates - existing profitable companies, any industry, that are making from say $2m - $5m a year on up that need $10 - $100+ million to expand. (Not sure if they will do films, Cannabis related or foreign companies. However, we have a several of these deals in front of them right now so I will know shortly.)

The requirement is that they go public in the US with us (If an existing US public company, then we would restructure their company rather than take it public) and use our proprietary structure. We also have another giant firm that will uplist any qualifying candidates to NASDAQ or NYSE etc. in a year or so after I take them public when they can meet the qualifications of the higher exchange. Optionally if they meet those requirement right away, we can go there first.

Please let's start with a few paragraphs teaser summarizing the salient points. This is very important.

Our broker dealers get hundreds of submittals a day and won't click on links or open 30 page business plans to figure out a company. If people won't present the information in the way they want it, they simply won't read it. They must first get a short summary they can read quickly and if interested, they will then click on links etc. to read more.

A short summary should state most relevant details such as:
- What your business does
- How long in business
- Management's experience
- What your income has been the last couple of years and currently
- What the profit is
- What you need money for
- How much funding you need

An example would be:

"ABC co. is a 3 year old blockchain entertainment company with a new way to revolutionize payments in the music industry. They are currently a private company but willing to go public as part of funding. Management has 30 years experience as CEO of a major label. Current income is $500,000 USD per month ($3,000,000 income during 2018, $2,000,000 in 2017) with projections (if they receive $10,000,000 capital injection) to hit $10,000,000 in 2019, $20,000,000 in 2020 and $40,000,000 in 2021. Profit runs at about 20% of revenues.

They seek a $10,000,000 investment. $2,000,000 to build out the rest of their blockchain technology and $8,000,000 for marketing over the next 3 years."

This is what is needed and if you do not supply this, the information will not be passed to the broker dealer as it makes us look bad. If we feel our Broker Dealers would be interested in your project will will send it on. The next step would be an executive summary. If they are still interested, we can then proceed to a full business plan. (If you supply the above short summary you may also attach executive summary (one pager) and business plan so they have all the information to inspect if they are interested.

If you send us a full business plan upfront with a lazy request to find the executive summary within the business plan or links to SEC filings, etc. without stepping through the above, they won't read it.

Let us know if you have anything.
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